
Love and Other Words

Love and Other Words ✨✨

By: Christina Lauren

  • Quick read
  • romance
  • old friends to lovers

WHOLESOME is the word for this book. I never thought I would like a past and present POV until this one. The way Macy and Elliot’s friendship developed due to their love for books and how they were each other’s ’everything-ship’ ugh… I died.

Let me start by saying: miscommunication is a b*tch.

Losing contact with someone who used to be your everything is probably one of the hardest things in life. Especially if it is over miscommunication. One year turns into eleven years and next thing you know there is too much history to even bring up the reason why you lost communication with that person.

This book dives into how friendship started and how it ended and how it began all over again. Let’s just say; it made me believe in ”if it’s meant to be, it will be”

Favorite word: you


Beach Read

Beach Read ✨✨
By: Emily Henry


• quick read
• romance
• quirky
• slow burn

Ok let me just say that I loveeeed this wayyyy than PWMOV. This book is cute and adorable just over all very good for the soul.

Let me just say, after reading this, it made me believe that regardless of whatever happens, everybody deserves a happy ending.

We need people like January Andrews to put a little more sunshine in our stories, who believes in happy endings no matter what it may be. We need an Augustus Everett to help people understand our stories..

My heart truly melted. Took me 5 hours to read this book and I wish I could read it for the first time all over again ✨✨


The Unhoneymooners

The Unhoneymooners

By: Christina Lauren

  • Quick read
  • romance
  • ”enemies” to lovers
  • quirky


This is such a cute and quirky read. This started off and stayed about the same. The whole time I was anticipating on what was going to happen. The character development on this was so adorable. Relatable in a way because I am always arguing back for the sake of arguing.

This book also touches the subject of ”bad luck” often times, when life doesn’t turn out the way you planned, you think think of it as bad luck or you are an unlucky person. People believe in four leaf clovers or lucky pennies, but in reality; luck is what you make of it.

A lucky penny or a leaf is does not hold magic, but the actions you take when you associate good things happening when you have these things is what matters. We get so caught up with the bad things that happens all the time that when something good happens, we look at it as ”luck”

The Unhoneymooners is definitely a relatable book for a lot of people who dreams big but have to face the obstacle of reality.


All your Perfects

All your Perfects

By: Colleen Hoover


  • Quick read
  • Romance
  • infertility
  • marriage
  • loyalty
  • trust

Colleen Hoover DOES IT AGAIN.

This book speaks volumes. I cannot recommend this book enough. I absolutely loved it. Let me start by saying, wow. The character development on this one is adorable.

There is no such thing as perfect. One cannot simply exist without a flaw. This book focuses not only people that suffers infertility but it also touches the issue of marriage.

Getting married, it is easy. Staying married, not so much. I too, struggle with this. Each day I wake up next to my husband; perfectly imperfect. But the longer I stay in this marriage, the more it becomes a routine.

Routines are good but thinking about how many times you have to wake up, work, eat and sleep it becomes something you HAVE to do instead of something you WANT to do and you know what? That is part of life. That’s what makes us human.

It takes a lot of fight to stay in a marriage and this book… this book focuses on that fight.


The Love Hypothesis

The Love Hypothesis

By: Ali Hazelwood

  • Quick read
  • romance
  • fake dating
  • love


This book started off strong for me. Then slow… Maybe the writing style isn’t my type? or maybe this was just a little unrelateable for me.

The story all in all was happened very quick but the middle part was lacking ”chemistry” yes, I said chemistry since there is some science talk on this one; which I liked.

Did I like it? Yes, the story was cute but maybe that was it for me. When I read something, I always connect more with ones I relate the most and this one was just not there for me.

Again, I liked it. Although, the there were a little too much characters in this one. It was a little hard to keep up especially because of the writing style. I did end up reading this for about 4 hours.

Some say that the ”spice” level on this book is definitely out there and in my opinion, yes I agree. But it definitely did not give me THE FEELS.

I am sad that I did not like this as much as I wanted to. Maybe I will give it another shot and re read it again.


People We Meet on Vacation

By: Emily Henry

  • Quick read
  • romance
  • friends to lovers
  • traveling
  • career
  • ambitions

This book started off strong for me. Then it became a little slower. None the less, I still liked it. This book hits very close to home for me.

I relate so closely to the female MC. In today’s society, it is very hard to juggle career, goals and personal life and this book heavily touches on this subject.

You can spend the rest of your life planning out what your future will look like but sometimes, life throws a curve ball that may alter that plan.

On more days than I want to admit, I have always struggled between my personal life and my career. Growing up, my career and my ambitions always came first. Then life happened. I can’t truly say I want to go back and undo it, but sometimes; I catch myself day dreaming of the ”what if’s”… What if I stuck to the plan? I worked very hard to get to where I am now, but if I had stuck to the plan, I would have gotten here sooner.

Would I be happy then? Would I be content? That I will never know. Because I do love the life I chose, I love the person I have become. I WAS content but sometimes, that contentment has an expiration date. As humans, you will always dream, you will always want more.

This book will make you want to have it all. But like always, things doesn’t always go according to plan.


Maybe Someday

By: Colleen Hoover

  • Romance
  • friends to lovers
  • selflessness
  • quick read
  • disability

This book started slow for me. Then boom!!! Right in the feels. I never thought something so genuine could make me bawl my eyes out.

The character development between two of the MC’s are so natural and pure. For the first time in awhile, I felt like someone reached into my chest and made me feel things. Both characters are so genuine and selfless but when I say the heart wants what it wants, this book will tell you to follow your heart.

Often times, people sticks with familiarity and the feeling of being comfortable but when your heart is involved it is almost better to follow it (for the most part) but does that sense of familiarity good enough? Or is it becoming selfish?

Additionally, each characters are so unique in their own way. Even the side characters! As much as I want to go further with this one, I think you should do yourself a favor and grab a copy and see it for yourself.

Happy Reading!


Looking for Perfection


To me, all the words written on a dictionary will never be enough to describe how much one love a person. What irritates me is when people say; “Why do you love him/her?” Like if you ask me, love is something undefined. You can’t just look for it the meaning of how you feel about someone. Yes, love can be defined in a dictionary. But the feeling of love; to me, can never be defined nor nearly impossible to describe. It’s like describing a color to a blind person.

Although, sometimes it takes time for us to figure out who “the one” is. Most of the time, we gotta go through some heart breaks, sometimes we gotta fight for the wrong person, love the wrong person, be crazy about the wrong person before we find that one person that is really worth it. Knowing that person is the one could be difficult. But sometimes, we gotta accept the fact that we can be in love more than once in our lifetime till we find the one.

It may not be easy to determine that person, but we gotta give some time and give that person a chance to prove their worth.

Being in love, loving that person and loving the idea of that person is three different things. And feeling all three to one person is honestly the best feeling a person could ever feel. One doesn’t have to keep saying “I love you” to actually love someone. One can tell someone a very simple word or phrase that shows love to that person.

Someone once reminded me “babe, just because I don’t say it back doesn’t mean I don’t love you” an entire sentence changed my entire perspective when it comes to being in love and loving that person. Why? Because, after that sentence, I start noticing every little things he’s been doing FOR me, all the little things that shows how much he loves me. I don’t need him to say it because he acts upon it. “Actions speaks louder than words” they say.

It might take quite some time to find THE ONE, but once you do, I know it’ll be worth every second of the day. No need to rush.


A little too perfect


Sometimes, when one is in a relationship where one has gone through hell and back, it’s almost hard to believe the perfect moments both shared. Some are afraid to jump into conclusions because once things fall apart it’s where it hurts the most. We can try to ignore how much it hurts, but the more we ignore it the more it’ll hurt and the more it’ll “eat us”.

But LOVE… I am a sucker for happy ever after. I ignore what hurts and indulge the things that makes me happy. Being in love with the person I am in love right now is the most amazing thing ever. He does so much for me, he supports me in everything I do and to me, that’s what makes him perfect. He doesn’t know that every little things he does is getting him closer to perfection. Through hell and back, I am in love with him no matter what. I don’t care how big OR small the argument is, there is no way I am giving up on him. As long as BOTH of us are happy, I know for sure that the both of us can make it through.

I never said that being in a relationship is easy. If you ask me, yes it can be easy but yes it could be harder. But one has to realize that it “takes two to tango” which means, it takes two people to make something work. Although, one has to realize when is the right time to stop and take a break or move on. Because the more you push, the more it’ll hurt.



Summer… everyone craves for summer heat, summer breeze, beach parties, all nighters and of course the most common thing is summer love. Where two random people just get to know each other all summer. Maybe develop something special in that course of time. To think about it, it could be the most amazing feeling ever. Two random people, not caring about the world, not thinking what could go wrong, just two people having fun and having the time of their lives.

But what happens when summer ends? 2 out of 10 people survive summer love. But why? I personally cannot vouch for why. Although, I have so many questions to why DOES IT NOT LAST? What went wrong? What happened? But most of all, how could two people NOT care at all after being so in love and after being so happy and careless together for the entire summer? Come to think about it, I myself would not fall for a summer love… Why? because I’m the kind of person who gets attached so easily, I care too much and I fall too fast. I guess that’s a bad thing, but in contrast for it being bad, I want my relationship to last. I go all in. I don’t like temporary. I don’t like “just fun”.

Things change just like the four seasons. But there are times where we don’t want for things to change. Some times, we would wish for things to stay the same or wish time would freeze. But we all know that we can’t always have the things we want. But unless we try we’d never know.