Time Period


super long post… jump to end to see conclusion.

Time heals all wounds. Yes… true. Though it never gave you a timeline to when it will heal. It just happens. One day, you just wake up and maybe not even realize that time has healed your broken heart. It can be a week, a month and it can also take years. No one is pressuring you and no one is judging you and if they do – so what? It’s not their life. They can’t tell you how to live your life. Let them get over themselves and let them figure out what they want to do with their own lives.

So, here I am… I am going to share something unexpected. About five months ago, my ex-fiancé and I broke up. Surprisingly, I’ve handled the situation very lightly… It’s the kind of reaction you wouldn’t expect from a person who is truly in love and who is engaged. Not long after the break-up my friend set an online profile for me… Totally NOT me. I am not into those, but I tried it. NOT because I was desperate but because I wanted to forget. I guess it was how I coped with my loss. I met different kinds of people. All sorts. Although, two months ago I met this guy. Let’s name him ‘X’ the number of chances of he and I even going out and start dating was pretty negative. Though, I gave him a chance. Not because I wanted a relationship but because “hey why not,” we set up a weekend for our first date; the Monday that week was really shitty and I was in no mood to come home so I shoot him a text and asked him if he was up for hanging out for a little. Surprisingly, he said yes and mentioned that he also surprisingly got off work early. So, we met up. While I was waiting for him to arrive – I was blasting my music, smoking and I checked myself as I was checking myself I have realized couple things 1.) I look like crap 2.) I was beyond nervous. As I was thinking about those things he gave me a call and he said he’ll be arriving in 10 mins. I wasn’t really excited to meet him because 1st- it’ll not work 2nd – I’m just here because I didn’t wanted to go home 3rd – he’s probably just one of those guys…. As I was processing those thoughts in my head I saw a guy lurking on my windshield it took me about THREE seconds to realize it was ‘X’ that entire three seconds my heart was beating way faster than usual because another realization hit me 1.) damn, he’s hot 2.) I look like crap right now 3.) what am I supposed to do and say? 4.) He looks really hot and I might want him to stick around 5.) What if I end up liking him tonight and he doesn’t like me???? yes all those in just THREE SECONDS – I’m not going to put too much detail with what happened but let’s just say it was a good night. We actually got to know each other. HE WASN’T JUST THAT GUY. We both got home (in our own places)……… So right now – I am in a committed relationship with this guy. I actually really like him. I can brag about him all day – but whose got the time.

ANYWAY, my point is; yes – I think I jumped into this whole thing very quick it’s only been five months, but time healed me sooner than I expected. I have moved on and I am in love with the guy who values me.

You can’t stop a heart from falling in love. It has no timeline. If you love someone and you know it, you can love that person if you want. ‘X’ told me he is falling in love with me about a week of us going out and he was patient with me… I recently just told him I feel the same way and it took me two whole months. Timeline is just there to give one the space and time to get used to the new adjustments life is going to hand that person. If you think you are really ready, then take it. Baby steps if must. No one is rushing you. Take all the time you need. This is your life – you have the final say to it. Maybe you’ll need some opinion and some advice but you get to have the last call in what you want to do.

sorry – I know this post is a little longer than usual, but I’d appreciate it if you take the time to read. I’m back.


The Caved Dilemma


Things happen. It may or may not be the way we want them to but things happen and life goes on. Sometimes, we end up getting hurt. But we learn how to move on. Moving on is something that is hard to do. At least in my opinion. Why? Because moving on makes us realize things we don’t want to realize. But sometimes, it changes us. Sometimes, it changes the person who you thought you were. These changes are good. As much as it sucks. In the long run – it’s always for the better and it’s always going to be good.

Moving on hurts. We can remove the person that hurts us, NOT the memories that you HAD with that person. Maybe sooooooooon, we may forget. But not erase the memories. Things happened and they turn into memories.

Losing/Ending a relationship can change a person. At least to me it does. Just because I’ve seen myself changed so much in such a short period of time. I have moved on, lived my life, went out on dates with no attachments, and even tried breaking someone’s heart (not too proud). I was happy. I ended up liking people more that I should have but controlled myself when it comes to it. Learned how to slow things down, learn how to control my emotions, learned how to not care too much, learn how to value my own happiness before someone else’s… learned SO MUCH.

I am proud that I learned how to stop my emotions when I get close to someone, I am proud that I learned how to slow things down, I am proud that I learned how to control my emotions. But After all these things, it still kind of sucks. Why? Because when I told myself that I am ready to try this whole “relationship” thing again. I am in the process of going bananas just because I am sort of pushing that person away. Don’t get me wrong. I like him… A LOOOOOOOOOOOT! But the wall I built from all the moving on was way too high and I am more than terrified to do this whole thing again. Maybe I am not ready, maybe I am, but how do I really know?

My decisions are way too clouded and I am very confused. I am stuck in a dilemma. I am stuck between “maybe” and a lot of “what if’s”

Here’s the thing, moving on is all good in the end. It makes you realize things. But the only thing I can personally say about moving on is that – don’t build that wall way too high. Just because when you are ready, it is very hard to break that wall. It is hard to finally give yourself to someone again because you will end up overthinking things. I am all about moving on and doing all you. But don’t build that wall too high because you are gonna end up pushing away the person that actually cares about you and you will never realize that because that wall is too high that it made you not trust ANYBODY at all.

I guess my point is that – we all go through heartbreaks. Heartbreak and being hurt is inevitable. One heartbreak can hurt real bad, but this doesn’t give you the right to shut everybody out. Maybe you will need a lot of time to heal the pain, but shutting people off will make it hard for you to ever trust people. It will make it hard for you to see if that person actually cares about you. Take all the time you need to heal. Don’t rush into anything.


*I’m back by the way guys.. more posts soon. 🙂






A Little too Afraid


Love isn’t as easy as it may seem. But people risk the consequences because the feeling of being happy is worth living that moment. Sometimes, loving the wrong person can change ones perspective when it comes to being in love. There’s ALWAYS that one person that affects you in a different way. That’s why it is not wrong to be afraid. In fact, being afraid is normal. We can’t possibly blame ourselves for being too afraid to fall for someone.

It’s not wrong to fall for the wrong person. One can learn a lot from loving the wrong person. Yes, it hurts to know that it’s possible for someone to fall for the wrong person. It’s terrifying to know if that person you are crazy about is the wrong person to fall for. But one will never know until one gives it a shot. It’s not easy to give the wrong person not only your trust, but your life, time and heart. We’ve got a lot to lose from loving the wrong person, but we also got a lot to gain from it. It may hurt so much and it may take a million years to move on, but once it’s over with- we realize the things we gained from falling for the wrong person. A lot of people don’t want to risk going through the pain because one prefer to play on the safe side. There is so much to lose, so much pain, and so many wasted time. But we are all afraid, we DON’T want to fall for the wrong person, we don’t want to go through all the pain of being left alone, we don’t want to shred all the tears to keep us asleep at night, we don’t want to be haunted with all the memories- but I can assure you that all these are worth it. It sounds very terrible but when you allow yourself to accept everything, you’ll learn how to be strong, you’ll learn how to protect yourself from getting hurt.

I don’t mean shut everyone out your life. All I mean to say is give people the benefit of the doubt to prove themselves their worth to you. Trust me, it’s terrifying to start all over again. But to me, it’s so much better to start over again than to be with the wrong person. It’s so much better to start over with someone else than to hold on to something that doesn’t feel right because the longer you hold onto something that isn’t right, the more time you waste.

The search for love is one of the most difficult process in life. But just like any obstacles, we have to allow ourselves to fail and learn from that experience instead of wasting our time looking back- regretting. Instead of calling it a mistake, learn from it and try to move on, because I am 100% sure that it’s all worth it.



Summer… everyone craves for summer heat, summer breeze, beach parties, all nighters and of course the most common thing is summer love. Where two random people just get to know each other all summer. Maybe develop something special in that course of time. To think about it, it could be the most amazing feeling ever. Two random people, not caring about the world, not thinking what could go wrong, just two people having fun and having the time of their lives.

But what happens when summer ends? 2 out of 10 people survive summer love. But why? I personally cannot vouch for why. Although, I have so many questions to why DOES IT NOT LAST? What went wrong? What happened? But most of all, how could two people NOT care at all after being so in love and after being so happy and careless together for the entire summer? Come to think about it, I myself would not fall for a summer love… Why? because I’m the kind of person who gets attached so easily, I care too much and I fall too fast. I guess that’s a bad thing, but in contrast for it being bad, I want my relationship to last. I go all in. I don’t like temporary. I don’t like “just fun”.

Things change just like the four seasons. But there are times where we don’t want for things to change. Some times, we would wish for things to stay the same or wish time would freeze. But we all know that we can’t always have the things we want. But unless we try we’d never know.


The Blaming Game


I don’t know if relationships are meant to be complicated. I don’t know if it’s meant to be hard or easy. I don’t think I know much about being in a relationship and in exactly a week from today I am entering my first longest relationship. Everyday I wonder how I managed to keep it this long. How I got my way into committing myself to someone that might not even feel the same way about me anymore.

He never stopped winning me over. He kept trying and trying and trying to prove to me that he actually cared and that he actually loves me. He used to love me, he used to give me everything I ever wanted. He still does but I just don’t know if it’s the same. I know that things aren’t the same and it will never be. I managed to screw up the relationship I value so much. But as day passes through I also realized that I gotta stop blaming myself because if he truly cares he wouldn’t stop the things he used to do. Maybe I’m just paranoid. Maybe I’m not.

Everyday I try not to think about it, everyday I try not to over-think things. But the more I ignore what I’m feeling the more it hurts when it actually hits me. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what else is there for me to hold on to.


Betrayal of Hearts


Wish I could tell myself to stop feeling the way I am feeling right now. But I can’t. The minute I try my feelings increase. It’s unfair because to him it’s easy. When he tries he succeeds. Why can’t that happen to me? Is it because I have given my all and not left anything for myself? At times, I feel happy but there are times where I feel crushed and destroyed and no one else can fix me but him. I want to try fixing myself and putting myself back together but I can’t. It seems like it’s the hardest thing to do.

When things seems like they are getting back on track; realization slaps me in the face and make me realize how much of an idiot I look like. It’s like I’m not allowed to be happy at all. I don’t know what else to do, I don’t know if I should just give up on the only thing I want so bad. I’m not much of an idiot to realize that he doesn’t really want me as much as I want him. He doesn’t say it but I know it. Or maybe I’m just over thinking things like always. But I think if someone else is in my shoes they’d do the same.

To me, things are always complicated. I don’t know when to be happy and when to be sad. I don’t know when to feel vulnerable and needy and I don’t know when to feel satisfied with everything that is going on. Because right now my life has gotten to the point where it seems like someone picked me up and shook me so hard that things are just mixed up and it’ll take so much time to bring it back to how it used to be.


Being a Girl

Most girls experience moments where they get so clingy and needy and too attached. I honestly do not know if that should be a good thing or a bad thing. But I guess it doesn’t matter. Because girls are girls. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s like a natural thing to feel. But I guess the worst part is having someone to love but that person doesn’t even “go along” when that moment hits.

To me, having these moments kinda sucks. Some girls expects guys to read their minds but really guys ain’t mind readers. It sucks because when these moments comes to life, girls tend to feel like they are annoying that person. They are afraid that guys might get fed up with being that way.

Worst feeling ever! All I wanna do when I get emotional is be with the person I love without feeling like I’m annoying him. I want him to need me as much as I am needing him. I wish I could say it through words but I am too coward to do it. I have lost my ability to combine words to express how I really feel; instead I expect him to read my mind and make everything feel better. But like I said guys ain’t mind readers. I wish they are cause it’ll make things so much easier or I wish these moments doesn’t just come and go. It’s so hard to explain these emotions in terms that men understands. I hate feeling like crap when things are obviously okay. Why? Because feeling like this make things shitty and when things turn shitty; it turns into an argument. Which again, sucks!

There is more to being a girl than just high heels and make up. Girls gotta learn how to control their sudden change of emotions that makes them feel awful about themselves. Maybe it doesn’t show but it is an awful feeling. It’s not like they are asking men to understand, but I’m pretty sure all they want is for men to treat them a little better when these emotions start to kick in.


Life After Love


Being in a relationship can be sentimental to some people. Having someone that cares you can be the best feeling in the world. But if this relationship ends, it seems like your world just ended and getting over a broken relationship is not as easy as everyone thinks. It takes a lot of courage and acceptance to be able to be back on your feet again. It may take a lot of time for things to go back to normal but doing things that would benefit you will bring you back on track. However, other than courage and acceptance, there are more things you can do to be able to get over a broken relationship.
First, make time for yourself. Give yourself some alone time and think about doing something that would benefit you, think about something that would make you happy or that would make you forget about the situation or just cry it all out. Enable yourself to release all the emotions that you are feeling. Because sometimes, expressing your emotions instead of keeping it bottled up will make things a little better. Don’t be afraid of showing your side of weakness. Expressing your emotions doesn’t always mean that you are weak. Sometimes, this just means that you are strong enough to let all those emotions out and that you are allowing yourself to move on. Keeping things bottled up will not help the situation instead, it will just make things harder.
Second, allow yourself to gain a little bit of courage to accept the fact that your relationship is over, but also think about the fact that better things will come along in time. Don’t be afraid to ask yourself questions like; “is everything going to be okay?” or “Am I going to be okay if I try moving on?” Because it will. Maybe not today, but at some point it will get better. During this time, it is normal to feel confused. You will always be torn between two pieces; the part that wants to hold on and the part that wants to finally let go. It takes a lot of courage to choose between the two. If you chose the part that wants to hold on it seems like it is harder because the more you hold on, the more it will hurt you because you are holding onto something that will never work. But it takes more courage to choose the part where you have to let go. Letting go of someone you cared about so much is not easy and that’s where you will need your courage. You have to trust and convince yourself that there are times that things will not go the way you want them to go.
After giving yourself an alone time, it is time for you to call some of your friends. Having someone to be there for you is the best feeling after being alone. This means you are ready to lift your chin up and start over. Make sure these friends are capable of cheering you up or are willing to listen on how you are actually feeling. If you don’t want to talk about the break up, make sure these friends are capable of keeping your mind off about being in a relationship. Then after calling some friends up, it is time for you to treat yourself. Do a makeover. Try giving yourself a new look that would allow you to start fresh and forget about the past. Feel good about yourself. Don’t let the past hold you back. Always remember that you let go for a reason and you moved on for a reason.
Lastly, get back out there. Getting back out there means you have applied the courage you needed and have accepted the fact that your relationship is over. It may take a while for you to be able to get over a broken relationship, but don’t let this be a reason for you to stop giving yourself a chance to find someone better or to enjoy yourself. Taking things slow will give you more time to enjoy every little things that are being offered to you. You have more chances of experiencing things you haven’t experienced before. Don’t be afraid to try something new because it is only the beginning. It is a new beginning of a new journey you are about to take. Don’t worry about being alone when starting this new journey, but think about meeting new kinds of people and the fun you are about to take part. Because getting back out there doesn’t always mean that you have to be in a relationship right away. Sometimes, it is an opportunity for you to have fun and enjoy your life without depending on someone.
In conclusion, keeping a relationship is not as easy as being in one. Sometimes, it’s just meant to break and getting over a broken relationship is not easy. Although, there are a lot of ways to slowly get over it. But being able to accomplish your goal to finally move on, you have to have a lot of courage to keep yourself together to be able to accept the fact that sometimes things don’t come as easy as they seem. But if you allow yourself to finally let go and move on, time will work itself. Learn to trust yourself, be patient and things are going to be better.


Emotional Heartbreak


I have no reason to be sad or mad or upset… or anything. But I do. I feel mad and confused. What’s worst? is that I feel so heart-broken; for no reason. Well, there is a reason. But I can’t seem to figure out. Feeling what I’m feeling right now is driving me crazy. I really want to figure out what seem to be the problem but every time I do, it just makes me want to cry. I try to be angry… but I can’t. My anger is replaced by heartbreak.

Lately, things have been “sort of” okay. But really, it’s not. Who am I kidding! Why do I even try. Things are NEVER going to be okay; like ever! Might as well just go with the flow. But the more I “go with the flow” the more I hurt and the more I get confused. Why am I letting this happen to myself. When can I finally say “fuck it” and walk away and never look back? I’m afraid that I might regret doing it. But I want to do it just to see if he cares enough to hold me back, to fight for me… like I did for him. I want to be so angry at him, I want to tell him how I really feel but I can’t. I guess right now time will tell how long this thing will last. I have ran out of everything. I gave it my all and I still got nothing in return. I tried so hard but right now it’s time for me to walk away, it’s time for me to let go of the thing that is hurting me everyday. As much as I can’t imagine a day without him; it’s that time where I have to. Things aren’t working so well anymore, we’ve lost the spark we’d had before and as for how things are looking up right now, it doesn’t seem like it’s ever coming back. It’s time for the both of us to move on. All we’ve been doing is hurt each other and I can’t take it any longer. I’m tired of hoping and thinking that things will be okay, that I will be okay. I want it all gone. The problem is; I love him too much that I can’t let him go, I can’t let myself walk away cause I know I’ll always look back.


Unexpected Desire


Most relationship begins unexpectedly. Things just happen. Even though we try so hard planning for the future, there are so many unexpected things on the way. Some may go but some will stay. Even the most perfect relationship go through a lot of trouble. It’s like a test if you really belong together. The worst part about that test is; sometimes, you don’t know if whether you should stay or not.

To me, when starting a relationship, all you could think about is how “perfect” things are, how happy and magical you feel. We all get so giddy and child-like. Sometimes, we tend to do the sappiest things, we tend to think everything is cute, we tend to think how perfect the situation is. I don’t know about most of you… but to me, we tend to change over the course of our relationship (I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before). Good changes… bad changes. As the relationship deepens, we get so comfortable. We get so comfortable that the things that used to be “new” is now something “you’re used to”. It’s like a routine. Sometimes, it’s healthy, sometimes, it’s not. Call me crazy, but I’m sure that there are times where you wish you weren’t in a relationship, or you wish that it ends or you wish you have the courage to let go… I guess feeling this way is normal. But as a person, it’s always up to you to decide. Worst part? you get torn between your mind and heart deciding. You don’t know which one to listen to.

For as long as I lived, I’ve never been in a long run relationship. I’ve always wanted to have one but I never got the chance to have one. Cause it’s either; I get tired/bored of it… or it just doesn’t seem right anymore. But thank God, I am finally in a long run relationship. Sounds lame but the relationship I am currently in right now is the longest I’ve ever had. Ask my girl friends, they know. They can hardly believe that I actually went this far without getting so fed up. Honestly, it’s by far the happiest relationship I’ve ever been. That’s why I can’t imagine it ending. I can’t imagine waking up the next day realizing it’s all over. Anyways, my relationship started unexpectedly. You know, he’s just the guy I have a huge crush on and apparently, I tend to do the first move. So, I started flirting. I didn’t really thought it would last this long. I didn’t expect for it to become one of the serious one. I thought it was just that “caught in the moment” kind of thing. I didn’t even see myself with him in four months. But only after a couple of weeks, I started to fall for him (too soon? I think so- but hey it turned out good) four months later we were officially a couple. We were in love. We could say the stupidest things and still think it’s cute. I guess that’s what being in love does to you.

Being in an unexpected relationship is nice. At least to me. Why? Because you really don’t know what’s going to happen. It’s sort of like “just winging it” but at the same time you also care about what’s going to happen so you take care of it… If you ask me, it’s the kind of relationship you want to hold onto, it’s the kind of relationship you want to keep, it’s the kind of relationship you want to make sacrifices for cause it’s unexpectedly worth it. You may go through a lot of pain together but if you truly care about each other, it’ll work your way back. As much as you want it to end, as much as you want to cut the pain short; it’s hard to let go of something you really care about. I know “if you love someone set them free” but there are just times where you don’t have to let go, you don’t have to give up. Sometimes, we just got to believe in what we feel and fight for it. Cause unexpected things happen for a reason… remember where and how you started and try to think about that before doing something you’ll regret forever. Relationships are the hardest thing to keep up with… but hey despite all the pain and sacrifices you’re going through or you’ve been through, you can’t possibly deny that there are moments where you are happy and moments you wish that didn’t end. Because being in love brings all the emotion out of you. It’s what makes you the person you are right now.