
People We Meet on Vacation

By: Emily Henry

  • Quick read
  • romance
  • friends to lovers
  • traveling
  • career
  • ambitions

This book started off strong for me. Then it became a little slower. None the less, I still liked it. This book hits very close to home for me.

I relate so closely to the female MC. In today’s society, it is very hard to juggle career, goals and personal life and this book heavily touches on this subject.

You can spend the rest of your life planning out what your future will look like but sometimes, life throws a curve ball that may alter that plan.

On more days than I want to admit, I have always struggled between my personal life and my career. Growing up, my career and my ambitions always came first. Then life happened. I can’t truly say I want to go back and undo it, but sometimes; I catch myself day dreaming of the ”what if’s”… What if I stuck to the plan? I worked very hard to get to where I am now, but if I had stuck to the plan, I would have gotten here sooner.

Would I be happy then? Would I be content? That I will never know. Because I do love the life I chose, I love the person I have become. I WAS content but sometimes, that contentment has an expiration date. As humans, you will always dream, you will always want more.

This book will make you want to have it all. But like always, things doesn’t always go according to plan.