
A little too perfect


Sometimes, when one is in a relationship where one has gone through hell and back, it’s almost hard to believe the perfect moments both shared. Some are afraid to jump into conclusions because once things fall apart it’s where it hurts the most. We can try to ignore how much it hurts, but the more we ignore it the more it’ll hurt and the more it’ll “eat us”.

But LOVE… I am a sucker for happy ever after. I ignore what hurts and indulge the things that makes me happy. Being in love with the person I am in love right now is the most amazing thing ever. He does so much for me, he supports me in everything I do and to me, that’s what makes him perfect. He doesn’t know that every little things he does is getting him closer to perfection. Through hell and back, I am in love with him no matter what. I don’t care how big OR small the argument is, there is no way I am giving up on him. As long as BOTH of us are happy, I know for sure that the both of us can make it through.

I never said that being in a relationship is easy. If you ask me, yes it can be easy but yes it could be harder. But one has to realize that it “takes two to tango” which means, it takes two people to make something work. Although, one has to realize when is the right time to stop and take a break or move on. Because the more you push, the more it’ll hurt.