Time Period


super long post… jump to end to see conclusion.

Time heals all wounds. Yes… true. Though it never gave you a timeline to when it will heal. It just happens. One day, you just wake up and maybe not even realize that time has healed your broken heart. It can be a week, a month and it can also take years. No one is pressuring you and no one is judging you and if they do – so what? It’s not their life. They can’t tell you how to live your life. Let them get over themselves and let them figure out what they want to do with their own lives.

So, here I am… I am going to share something unexpected. About five months ago, my ex-fiancé and I broke up. Surprisingly, I’ve handled the situation very lightly… It’s the kind of reaction you wouldn’t expect from a person who is truly in love and who is engaged. Not long after the break-up my friend set an online profile for me… Totally NOT me. I am not into those, but I tried it. NOT because I was desperate but because I wanted to forget. I guess it was how I coped with my loss. I met different kinds of people. All sorts. Although, two months ago I met this guy. Let’s name him ‘X’ the number of chances of he and I even going out and start dating was pretty negative. Though, I gave him a chance. Not because I wanted a relationship but because “hey why not,” we set up a weekend for our first date; the Monday that week was really shitty and I was in no mood to come home so I shoot him a text and asked him if he was up for hanging out for a little. Surprisingly, he said yes and mentioned that he also surprisingly got off work early. So, we met up. While I was waiting for him to arrive – I was blasting my music, smoking and I checked myself as I was checking myself I have realized couple things 1.) I look like crap 2.) I was beyond nervous. As I was thinking about those things he gave me a call and he said he’ll be arriving in 10 mins. I wasn’t really excited to meet him because 1st- it’ll not work 2nd – I’m just here because I didn’t wanted to go home 3rd – he’s probably just one of those guys…. As I was processing those thoughts in my head I saw a guy lurking on my windshield it took me about THREE seconds to realize it was ‘X’ that entire three seconds my heart was beating way faster than usual because another realization hit me 1.) damn, he’s hot 2.) I look like crap right now 3.) what am I supposed to do and say? 4.) He looks really hot and I might want him to stick around 5.) What if I end up liking him tonight and he doesn’t like me???? yes all those in just THREE SECONDS – I’m not going to put too much detail with what happened but let’s just say it was a good night. We actually got to know each other. HE WASN’T JUST THAT GUY. We both got home (in our own places)……… So right now – I am in a committed relationship with this guy. I actually really like him. I can brag about him all day – but whose got the time.

ANYWAY, my point is; yes – I think I jumped into this whole thing very quick it’s only been five months, but time healed me sooner than I expected. I have moved on and I am in love with the guy who values me.

You can’t stop a heart from falling in love. It has no timeline. If you love someone and you know it, you can love that person if you want. ‘X’ told me he is falling in love with me about a week of us going out and he was patient with me… I recently just told him I feel the same way and it took me two whole months. Timeline is just there to give one the space and time to get used to the new adjustments life is going to hand that person. If you think you are really ready, then take it. Baby steps if must. No one is rushing you. Take all the time you need. This is your life – you have the final say to it. Maybe you’ll need some opinion and some advice but you get to have the last call in what you want to do.

sorry – I know this post is a little longer than usual, but I’d appreciate it if you take the time to read. I’m back.

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