Life After Love


Being in a relationship can be sentimental to some people. Having someone that cares you can be the best feeling in the world. But if this relationship ends, it seems like your world just ended and getting over a broken relationship is not as easy as everyone thinks. It takes a lot of courage and acceptance to be able to be back on your feet again. It may take a lot of time for things to go back to normal but doing things that would benefit you will bring you back on track. However, other than courage and acceptance, there are more things you can do to be able to get over a broken relationship.
First, make time for yourself. Give yourself some alone time and think about doing something that would benefit you, think about something that would make you happy or that would make you forget about the situation or just cry it all out. Enable yourself to release all the emotions that you are feeling. Because sometimes, expressing your emotions instead of keeping it bottled up will make things a little better. Don’t be afraid of showing your side of weakness. Expressing your emotions doesn’t always mean that you are weak. Sometimes, this just means that you are strong enough to let all those emotions out and that you are allowing yourself to move on. Keeping things bottled up will not help the situation instead, it will just make things harder.
Second, allow yourself to gain a little bit of courage to accept the fact that your relationship is over, but also think about the fact that better things will come along in time. Don’t be afraid to ask yourself questions like; “is everything going to be okay?” or “Am I going to be okay if I try moving on?” Because it will. Maybe not today, but at some point it will get better. During this time, it is normal to feel confused. You will always be torn between two pieces; the part that wants to hold on and the part that wants to finally let go. It takes a lot of courage to choose between the two. If you chose the part that wants to hold on it seems like it is harder because the more you hold on, the more it will hurt you because you are holding onto something that will never work. But it takes more courage to choose the part where you have to let go. Letting go of someone you cared about so much is not easy and that’s where you will need your courage. You have to trust and convince yourself that there are times that things will not go the way you want them to go.
After giving yourself an alone time, it is time for you to call some of your friends. Having someone to be there for you is the best feeling after being alone. This means you are ready to lift your chin up and start over. Make sure these friends are capable of cheering you up or are willing to listen on how you are actually feeling. If you don’t want to talk about the break up, make sure these friends are capable of keeping your mind off about being in a relationship. Then after calling some friends up, it is time for you to treat yourself. Do a makeover. Try giving yourself a new look that would allow you to start fresh and forget about the past. Feel good about yourself. Don’t let the past hold you back. Always remember that you let go for a reason and you moved on for a reason.
Lastly, get back out there. Getting back out there means you have applied the courage you needed and have accepted the fact that your relationship is over. It may take a while for you to be able to get over a broken relationship, but don’t let this be a reason for you to stop giving yourself a chance to find someone better or to enjoy yourself. Taking things slow will give you more time to enjoy every little things that are being offered to you. You have more chances of experiencing things you haven’t experienced before. Don’t be afraid to try something new because it is only the beginning. It is a new beginning of a new journey you are about to take. Don’t worry about being alone when starting this new journey, but think about meeting new kinds of people and the fun you are about to take part. Because getting back out there doesn’t always mean that you have to be in a relationship right away. Sometimes, it is an opportunity for you to have fun and enjoy your life without depending on someone.
In conclusion, keeping a relationship is not as easy as being in one. Sometimes, it’s just meant to break and getting over a broken relationship is not easy. Although, there are a lot of ways to slowly get over it. But being able to accomplish your goal to finally move on, you have to have a lot of courage to keep yourself together to be able to accept the fact that sometimes things don’t come as easy as they seem. But if you allow yourself to finally let go and move on, time will work itself. Learn to trust yourself, be patient and things are going to be better.

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