Unexpected Desire


Most relationship begins unexpectedly. Things just happen. Even though we try so hard planning for the future, there are so many unexpected things on the way. Some may go but some will stay. Even the most perfect relationship go through a lot of trouble. It’s like a test if you really belong together. The worst part about that test is; sometimes, you don’t know if whether you should stay or not.

To me, when starting a relationship, all you could think about is how “perfect” things are, how happy and magical you feel. We all get so giddy and child-like. Sometimes, we tend to do the sappiest things, we tend to think everything is cute, we tend to think how perfect the situation is. I don’t know about most of you… but to me, we tend to change over the course of our relationship (I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before). Good changes… bad changes. As the relationship deepens, we get so comfortable. We get so comfortable that the things that used to be “new” is now something “you’re used to”. It’s like a routine. Sometimes, it’s healthy, sometimes, it’s not. Call me crazy, but I’m sure that there are times where you wish you weren’t in a relationship, or you wish that it ends or you wish you have the courage to let go… I guess feeling this way is normal. But as a person, it’s always up to you to decide. Worst part? you get torn between your mind and heart deciding. You don’t know which one to listen to.

For as long as I lived, I’ve never been in a long run relationship. I’ve always wanted to have one but I never got the chance to have one. Cause it’s either; I get tired/bored of it… or it just doesn’t seem right anymore. But thank God, I am finally in a long run relationship. Sounds lame but the relationship I am currently in right now is the longest I’ve ever had. Ask my girl friends, they know. They can hardly believe that I actually went this far without getting so fed up. Honestly, it’s by far the happiest relationship I’ve ever been. That’s why I can’t imagine it ending. I can’t imagine waking up the next day realizing it’s all over. Anyways, my relationship started unexpectedly. You know, he’s just the guy I have a huge crush on and apparently, I tend to do the first move. So, I started flirting. I didn’t really thought it would last this long. I didn’t expect for it to become one of the serious one. I thought it was just that “caught in the moment” kind of thing. I didn’t even see myself with him in four months. But only after a couple of weeks, I started to fall for him (too soon? I think so- but hey it turned out good) four months later we were officially a couple. We were in love. We could say the stupidest things and still think it’s cute. I guess that’s what being in love does to you.

Being in an unexpected relationship is nice. At least to me. Why? Because you really don’t know what’s going to happen. It’s sort of like “just winging it” but at the same time you also care about what’s going to happen so you take care of it… If you ask me, it’s the kind of relationship you want to hold onto, it’s the kind of relationship you want to keep, it’s the kind of relationship you want to make sacrifices for cause it’s unexpectedly worth it. You may go through a lot of pain together but if you truly care about each other, it’ll work your way back. As much as you want it to end, as much as you want to cut the pain short; it’s hard to let go of something you really care about. I know “if you love someone set them free” but there are just times where you don’t have to let go, you don’t have to give up. Sometimes, we just got to believe in what we feel and fight for it. Cause unexpected things happen for a reason… remember where and how you started and try to think about that before doing something you’ll regret forever. Relationships are the hardest thing to keep up with… but hey despite all the pain and sacrifices you’re going through or you’ve been through, you can’t possibly deny that there are moments where you are happy and moments you wish that didn’t end. Because being in love brings all the emotion out of you. It’s what makes you the person you are right now.

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